IntCal 0.3.1
- added an option ccdir to provide alternative locations of the
calibration curves
- added a function new.ccdir(), which copies the package’s calibration
curves into a specified folder
- C14.lim now works if 0 is included as minimum 14C age
IntCal 0.3.0
- updated to the updated postbomb curves (now both yearly and
monthly), published by Hua et al. 2021
- repaired problems with depths and calheights in draw.dates
- draw.ccurve now plots correct label when BCAD
- c14.lim now estimated correctly when a second curve is added
IntCal 0.2.3
- draw.ccurve now plots the correct label when using BCAD, and plots
depths at the expected heights
- draw.dates now plots multiple dates at the expected heights (with
more precise dates peaking higher)
- corrected the Rmd files which had erroneous formatting and some
confusing examples
IntCal 0.2.2
- in mix.curves(), calibration curves are now written to a temporary
directory by default, as per CRAN policies
- calibrate function now deals better with postbomb dates
- added clam’s function calBP.14C to find IntCal C14 ages
corresponding to cal BP ages
- added function glue.ccurves for gluing prebomb and postbomb
calibration curves
- added a warning/error to calibrate() for dates truncated by or
outside the calibration curve
- updated the vignettes
IntCal 0.2.1
- added new function list.curves
- Shortened the functions copyCalibrationCurve and
draw.CalibrationCurves to the shorter and more consistent ccurve and
- ccurve is now more flexible with the names of the calibration
- draw.ccurve can now plot another curve on its own righthand axis
scale (handy when mixing pre- and postbomb curves)
- new functions calibrate, caldist and hpd, copied and modified from
the clam R package
IntCal 0.2.0
- added a function to plot the data underlying the IntCal
- copyCalibrationCurve can now copy more of the curves
- new function draw.calibration curve to draw the calibration curves
(one or two), or to add curves to an existing plot)
IntCal 0.1.3
- fixed issues with the DESCRIPTION file
IntCal 0.1.2
- Added Rd files
- Added some of the most relevant calibrated-related functions of the
rbacon package (so that these can in time be deleted from that and other
IntCal 0.1.1
- fixed some errors in the description file
IntCal 0.1.0
- first iteration of this R data package (originally put on