Improved handling of online resources in tests and examples for immunemap integration functions in accordance with CRAN policy.
Minor changes: - Updated outdated @docType package to new roxygen recommendation
Integration with
New functionalities for integration with - (immunemap-integration.R => read.immap.json ): new function, reads data from an immunemap json file (or an url pointing to such a file). This returns a list with both track object(s) and metadata; see documentation ?read.immap.json. - (immunemap-integration.R) : see above; file contains also several helper functions. - tests added for these reading functions as well. - (inst/extdata/immunemap.json) : new example file showing the format for immunemap json.
Minor changes: - including documentation for new functionalities for integration with; - Updated package documentation after breaking change in Roxygen upon CRAN request. - Updated the documentation for the included datasets, which had not yet been updated with the new versions of the data included since package v 1.0.0.
Significant speed-up in some of the angle analysis functions.
Most of the changes are internal only to speed some of the computations (especially computing the pairwise angles and distances in analyzeCellPairs and analyzeStepPairs). To accomplish this, some functions now have additional input arguments or can handle inputs in an additional format (old input formats are also still okay): - (angle-functions.R => pairsByTime ) new function. At each time point in the dataset, looks for pairs of cells that co-occur at that time and computes their distance to each other. Outputs pairs, times of co-occurrence, and distances in a dataframe. Internally, this function uses the “dist” function to compute pairwise distances rapidly; several of the other distance/angle functions now use pairsByTime() internally for efficiency reasons. - (angle-functions.R => angleSteps ) Instead of only computing a single angle for two trackIDs at one timePoint, this function can now also compute multiple angles at the same time for efficiency reasons. Instead of a vector with two trackIDs, it can now also take a two-column matrix with one pair of IDs per row; the “t” argument must then also be a numeric vector instead of a single value. See the documentation under ?angleSteps. - (angle-functions.R => angleCells ) Input now allows to compute multiple distances at once; see angleSteps changes above. - (angle-functions.R => distanceSteps ) Input now allows to compute multiple distances at once; see angleSteps changes above. - (angle-functions.R => distanceCells ) Input now allows to compute multiple distances at once; see angleSteps changes above. Also added a ‘quietly’ argument to suppress warnings for NA distances. - (angle-functions.R => analyzeStepPairs ) Now has an argument “searchRadius” to only return pairs that start within a given distance from each other. - (angle-functions.R => analyzeCellPairs ) Now has an argument “searchRadius” to only return pairs that start within a given distance from each other.
None, other than updating the documentation of the functions that can now take multiple inputs simultaneously or have additional input arguments (see Minor changes).