imagefluency 0.2.5
- bugfixes in internal functions (incorrect parameter name in documentation)
imagefluency 0.2.4
- fix alpha channel throwing error with typicality
- new vignette on analyzing multiple images at once
imagefluency 0.2.3
- fixes shiny app directory issue
- url fixes
imagefluency 0.2.3
imagefluency 0.2.2
- under-the-hood-changes in preparation for upcoming R 4.0.0 release
imagefluency 0.2.1
- new package vignette
- new package website
- some under the hood code improvements
imagefluency 0.2.0
Major update * new package name: imagefluency * shorter, more intuitive function names: img_* instead of quantify_ now works directly on color images * improved symmetry score (finds best mirror axis) * different compression algorithms for complexity * interactive shiny app (alpha)
imagefluency 0.1.2
- exemplary images included in package as data
imagefluency 0.1.1
- complete rewrite of complexity function based on
imagefluency 0.1.0