
DOI R-CMD-check CRAN status

This R package provides functionality for quality control processing, statistical analysis and visualization of mass spectrometry (MS) omics data, in particular proteomic (either at the peptide or the protein level; isobaric labeled or unlabled), lipidomic, and metabolomic data. This includes data transformation, specification of groups that are to be compared against each other, filtering of feature and/or samples, data normalization, data summarization (correlation, PCA), and statistical comparisons of groups of interest (ANOVA and/or independence of missing data tests). Example data to be used with this packages can be found in pmartRdata.


This package makes use of several packages hosted on BioConductor. If you are encountering warnings about unavailable BioConductor packages such as pcaMethods, you may need to add them to options("repos"):

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

options("repos" = BiocManager::repositories())

(Recommended) Install from CRAN:


# or 


If you are on Mac/Windows and have a recent R version, you can skip compilation by installing from binaries, see the pmartR CRAN page for available binaries.

install.packages("pmartR", type = "binary")

# or 

BiocManager::install("pmartR", type = "binary")

To install the latest release:


To install a specific release, say v2.4.0:


(Not recommended, since these changes are likely still being tested) You can also install the latest changes to master:


Problems with rcppArmadillo and gfortran on mac

There is a problem that causes pmartR to fail compiling cpp code, which has something to do with rcppArmadillo and certain installations of gfortran. See these posts that try to explain the issue: 1 2 3. The simplest solution if you are on Mac/Windows and have a recent R version is to install from pre-built binaries (see installation section). If you cannot install from binaries, two solutions we have found are:

  1. Install gfortran from a recommended source (not homebrew):
  2. When using the homebrew gfortran installation, add the line FLIBS = -L`gfortran -print-file-name=libgfortran.dylib | xargs dirname` to ~/.R/Makevars (a plain text file with no extention)

gfortran and Apple silicon (M1/M2 chips)

There are similarly issues with compilation in newer Mac chips. We recommend to install gcc-13 from homebrew brew install gcc or the universal version from

Additionally, some users experience errors with ld: Assertion failed ... as seen here. One solution is to use the old linker by making sure gcc uses the flag -ld64 (Xcode docs). To do this, you can edit ~/.R/Makevars to include this flag, for example by appending it to LDFLAGS with +=:

# in ~/.R/Makevars

or specifying it in your compiler command:

# in ~/.R/Makevars
CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc -ld64


To get started, see the package documentation and function reference located here.


Example peptide (both unlabeled and isobaric labeled), protein, metabolite and lipid data are available in the pmartRdata package available on Github, here


See the contributing docs.


To cite this package, please the following:

Degnan, D. J.; Stratton, K. G.; Richardson, R.; Claborne, D.; Martin, E. A.; Johnson, N. A.; Leach, D.; Webb-Robertson, B.-J. M.; Bramer, L. M. PmartR 2.0: A Quality Control, Visualization, and Statistics Pipeline for Multiple Omics Datatypes. J. Proteome Res. 2023, 22 (2), 570–576.


  title={pmartR 2.0: A Quality Control, Visualization, and Statistics Pipeline for Multiple Omics Datatypes},
  author={Degnan, David J and Stratton, Kelly G and Richardson, Rachel and Claborne, Daniel and Martin, Evan A and Johnson, Nathan A and Leach, Damon and Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo M and Bramer, Lisa M},
  doi = {10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00610},
  journal={Journal of Proteome Research},
  publisher={ACS Publications}


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